This is a program of AFS International and is not administered by AFS-USA. AFS-USA is a separate legal entity from AFS Intercultural Programs/AFS International and is not a legal affiliate thereof.

Qualified Facilitators of the Global Competence Certificate facilitate global competence learning for students, staff or faculty at your institution or organization.

Register here!

AFS Qualified Facilitator Live Virtual Trainings:

2025 Training Dates:

May 12th (5-7pm NYC Time) or May 15th (9:30am-11:30am NYC Time)

August 4th (5-7pm NYC Time) or August 7th (9:30am-11:30am NYC Time)

September 8th (5-7pm NYC Time) or September 11th (9:30am-11:30am NYC Time)

November 10th (5-7pm NYC Time) or November 13th (9:30am-11:30am NYC Time)

*Must have approval from your AFS organization or institution in order to participate in the training



Benefits of becoming a Qualified Facilitator:

  • Learn tips for 100% intercultural learning facilitation for either online or in person sessions.
  • Gain key professional development skills within the field.
  • Continue developing your own intercultural learning by becoming a guide for others.
  • Grow your organization’s offerings in virtual learning and community building.
  • Join a robust Qualified Facilitators community – over 500 in our community worldwide with a special group on LinkedIn to share resources/tips/stories.
  • Gain a competitive edge by advertising your QF certification on your LinkedIn Profile with our badge.